Origin: Sweden

Band Members: Martin Sweet (guitar), Eric Young (drums), Peter London (bass)

Official Page, Myspace, Wikipedia Entry, YouTube Channel

Discography: Rest In Sleaze (2005), The Unattractive Revolution (2007)

Tracks to Check Out First : Its a Miracle, Falling Rain, Riot in Everyone, Lost Horizons, Breaking the Chainz, Needle in Your Eye

Other Info: Unattractive Revolution CD Review; Martin Sweet Demos2006, 2007, 2008 Martin Sweet Interviews (thanks a lot Rockeyez!)

Crashdiet is perhaps one of the most exciting new glam bands to come out of Sweden in the last decade. Formed by vocalist Dave Lepard in 2000, and blessed with good looks, a real songwriting ability and musical talent, they guys have been poised to take over the world. Unfortunately,  despite their sucess and popularity, Lepard  committed suicide in 2006.

However, even after such a tragic turn of events, Crashdiet's remaining members- guitarist Martin Sweet, bassist Peter London, and stick man Eric Young-recovered with a second singer, Olliver Twisted, and the group released a strong second CD in 2007 and embarked on a tour. Unfortunately Olli hasn't been able to make a long-term commitment to the band, so Crashdiet is currently searching for a 3rd, permanent singer.

We all have good faith that they will come back, bigger than ever!